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All At Sea

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So, no, I haven't played my ACW game yet but I did get a game in with my friend Ron using his ships and Osprey's  Fighting Sail  adapted to a hex grid, an attempt by my French to breakout from blockade. Looked good at the end of turn 2 before the serious firing started. No real need to talk about the rest is there? The big fuzzy things are 3 hex squalls, the DDay obstacles mark recently sunk frigates and yes, I did manage to eventually disentangle my two ships of line......... I also made some progress on my French Rev forces for Huzzah. Actually more than this photo shows since they are now finished, details, touch ups, gloss varnish and bases painted, but this is the picture I have.  Its hard when you're too busy playing and painting to finish a game but....

Recycle Reuse

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Seemed a shame to clear the table after just one game. The original game was played with Don's 30mm Spencer Smith ACW figures but my first wargame book was his Battles With Model Soldiers and the figures were Airfix ACW so........ Hobby time has been curtailed this last week and casting & converting has taken precendence. If all goes well I'll get to play on Wednesday.

THERE is your enemy.

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One down. Countless more to go!

So, you want a revolution? Well.....

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Things are heating up. Well, the melting pot got hot anyway and my new mould was tried out and now I've assembled a few prototypes. Left to right, primed figures only: Republican French: Prince August SYW Prussian infantry with Modified Meisterzinn bicorne. PA SYW Russian infantry with one of my original 'Tarleton' helmet heads. General: PA SYW Dragoon officer w MM bicorne. Allies: Emigre: Meisterzinn infantry with my original Roundhat. British: PA SYW Prussian with gaiter tops filed off and MM bicorne. Today was the first time I've  managed to get an entire Dragoon out of the new mould. I still can't get the officer's sword to cast but did get the dragoon's sword to come out and that's good enough. I only managed three useable dragoons plus three whole or salvageable officers so just need two more dragoons before the Scots Greys will be ready to join the queue. Its a pity they traded in their bearskins for bicornes for this campaign but then, I have a b...

OK Back to Work!

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Enough playing for now. May and Huzzah are fast approaching and my  Revolutionary War armies are not growing nearly fast enough. Converting each hat in particular is taking too long as well  as sometimes coming out second rate at best. So I've fixed up a couple of my War of 1812 heads to match slightly larger figures better. While I was at it, since I hate working with metal moulds, I slightly modified a Meisterzinn infantry body to use as British with below the knee gaiters, and threw him in. Tomorrow I'll see how I did. Hopefully I'll be able to spit out and paint the rest of the figures I need in fairly short order.

The Battle for Light Rock Valley

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Where to start? This game could have made a great Newport Noodle article or  made for a good long blow by blow post describing how the rules worked turn by turn and what affect they had on each player decision but that might have been as tedious to read as to write. So I'll quickly summarize the game in the picture captions while writing the post about the rules and how they worked in the game. The scenario, which I picked as a nod to the origin of the turn sequence which came from one of the sample games in Don Featherstone's Battles with Model Soldiers, was, as identified by Cesar Paz in a comment, "Action in the Plattville Valley" from Don Featherstone's Wargames. The Dominion (Red) Advance Guard under Brigadier Ross pushed quickly over the bridge while the main forces arrived at the end of  turn 3 (after a joker froze the 2 advance guards for turn 3). Alas for the young volunteers in the Dominion advance guard they were facing the crack shots and stubborn vete...

Teaser: Battle for the Light Rock Valley

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The Origawn Freestate and Dominion of Faraway armies clash at the Light Rock River. A full report will follow on Sunday morning.