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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2016

DevCorner: Superpowers HTML5 collaborative game maker open-sourced!

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Great news for HTML5 game developers: a few days ago Superpowers was released under the ISC license . What is Superpowers? A game development platform (an integrated editor but you can collaborate in realtime online; how cool is that! :D ) for making HTML5 games using TypeScript (a superset of Javascript) . But you will also be able to work with other languages, so far support for the well known LÖVE2D is available . Learn more in this video: The source is available here and there is also an repository with a few sample games . If you like what they are doing, please consider becoming a supporter . Looking forward to your new HTML5 games!

Best Open Source Top-Down Space Shooter : Super Space Invader

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Lasers, rockets, shields, health regeneration, pixels. You know. The good stuff. Just nicely packaged with levels of just the right duration and hardness, persistent upgrades, shaders, reverb... Two buttons are enough to play, since that was one of the themes of Ludum Dare #34 , in which the game came #74 among 1638 jam entries. Super Space Invader Review Supser Space Invader was made with  LÖVE  (v0.9) and thus runs on Linux, OS X, Windows. The source is available on GitHub under  zlib/libpng .