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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2019

Kell Island Technical Discussion. 5/5

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Kell Island was the opening engagement of the First Rosmark-Maritime Alliance War, a war whose outbreak was triggered by the 10 Year Readers' Commemeration Poll. The capture of the island allowed the Alliance to land their army on the mainland and consolidate their position before the King's army could complete its passage over the Hye Mountains. The armies would soon clash again at the River Boinne. The King's Carabiniers halt on a small rise to observe the enemy before deciding what to do. ( 5-6 Be Bold: charge and try to drive the first units back into the see while a farmer carries the news, 1-4 Be Cautious: send a rider back, observe and threaten the enemy hoping to draw off forces from the main attack ) Orders of Battle for Kell Island Maritime Alliance Forces  General  Milligan 1 Sq Black Horse (nicknamed for their facings not their horses) 1 Sq Fitzjames Horse 1 Unit Marines (Light Infantry) 1 Unit of Grenadiers (Gallant) 3 Units of Infantry 1 Unit of Nordmark Infan...

Kell Island: Lost and Won 4/5

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The fierce defence put up by the militia and Scouts came as a shock to the Alliance troops. The Marine Light Infantry was cut to pieces but stubbornly held on and soon the second and third waves were ashore. A long range firefight soon broke out between the opposing regulars with the Rosmark Provincials taking a steady trickle of hits while seemingly firing over their enemy's heads. Across the island by the village, the fire of sharpshooters caused the Nordmark Bluecoats to waver then suddenly break for the boats, heedless of their officers desperate attempt to rally them. The Marines bravely spread out to cover the gap. It began to look like the defenders might be able to drive back this invasion but suddenly 1st Battalion of the Provincials found the enemy fire too hot. They wavered for a moment then broke to the rear forcing the 2nd Battalion to fall back to avoid being flanked. As the last infantry battalion and the first cavalry squadron landed, the Alliance infantry advanced ...

Kell Island: The Redcoats Have Landed! 3/5

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It was midday before the Alliance fleet anchored off the coast and boats began ferrying troops ashore. With five battalions of infantry, two squadrons of cavalry and a detachment of Marine Light Infantry to ferry ashore, it was going to take a while. Hopefully the enemy was not watchful. The first boatloads hit the beach.  The invaders hopes were dashed when a cavalry patrol topped a low rise to the South before the boats had even reached the ships to embark the second wave. Still, there were enough troops ashore to hold off the cavalry until the next wave landed.   A messenger galloped back   ( trust me, you should have seen his die rolls! )  with the news while the local militia mustered and the cavalry fell back, ready to intervene if the village was attacked. . Being already on alert, the garrison was soon on the march, heading straight to the enemy landing spot by the shortest route while sending the Scouts across the rugged pass through the hills to harass...

Kell Island: Ready For Action. 2/5

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News has arrived that a Maritime Alliance Fleet has been spotted. With the news and reinforcements came an officer of Engineers who took one look at the ramshackle earthworks and went up one side of the Captain in charge of the garrison, and down the other then set the men to work. The Engineer accompanied by the FTC Governor inspects the new redoubt while the garrison falls in. Three days later a better  bastion had been built  whose guns could cover both the harbour and the bridge as well allowing infantry to enfilade any assault on two faces of the fort. Plans were under away to begin a similar bastion on the far corner of the fort when a fisherman from the village brought word that sails had been spotted approaching the pass. The Commandant ordered the garrison to stand to. Native Scouts from the mainland react as drummers in the fort start to beat the Long Roll. Muster for Kell Island Garrison. King Michael Carabiniers 1 Sq. (6) Provincial Regiment 2 Btn (12@) Royal Rosma...

All Quiet on Kell Island 1/5

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As war loomed, King Michael of Rosmark ordered the Governor of Furland to place a strong garrison  on Kell Island and to mount a battery to control traffic through the Strait. A battery of 24 pounders stands to for gun drill, The island has a largely rocky coast but there are three beaches suitable for an amphibious assault. One of these is under the guns of the fort but the other two are on the far side. Each day, a cavalry patrol makes a circuit of the island to look out for invaders and poachers alike. The morning patrol leaves the fort. Will they go East or West?

The Attack on Missisjones

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It was barely an hour after the patrols left that the first Oerbergers were spotted coming over the mountains from both North and South. Note: The large Blue or Red Poker Chips mark a destroyed unit. The small red bingo markers indicate a need to Rally. The first assault was by a force of 3 Mounted Rifles and a Cavalry MG unit against a hilltop redoubt containing an Infantry company reinforced by an MG. Despite the numbers the Infantry held out and one of the cavalry units was destroyed by MG fire before it could rally and return to the fight. A second squadron was soon lost to artillery and rifle fire as reinforcements rushed to the fighting. Then the Oerberg artillery deployed and opened up on the redoubt. The battle was a long way from over. The recent repulse of the Dominion's invasion seems to have brought in volunteers from the outlying districts. As more Oerberg units poured out of the passes, the situation looked grim. Would the isolated redoubts be enough to hold back dou...


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About an hour after the morning patrols headed out, a swarm of Oerbergers rode over the hills.  The Oerberg artillery was not up to its usual standard today. So far, their 2 guns have fired 12 dice on the redoubt, looking for 5's and 6's, and inflicted 1 hit! Today didn't go quite as planned though. I had various duties elsewhere, not to mention distractions, and it was late afternoon before I could sort out the armies, scrape up Oerberg reinforcements,  review the rules, sort out a scenario, and get the game underway. All under the watchful eye of an omnipresent, hungry, female cat lacking the late Hector's affinity for toy soldiers. As the fifth turn drew to a close, just a little later then the usual feeding time at the zoo,  Minnow finally decided it was time for me to go back on duty and feed the hungry masses, or her anyway. The game will resume tomorrow with a battle report ready for Monday morning if all goes well.

Its Quiet, too quiet!

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Since the r epulse of the Oerberg Expedition in August , the southern border of the Kapelle Territory has been uneasy. All is quiet as the armoured train begins its daily patrol. The town called Missisjones is an important mining centre in the hills of southern Kapelle, not far from the border with Oerberg. A garrison has been left to hold the town and patrol the border. So far all has been quiet but no one believes that the quiet will last forever. Meanwhile, in the surrounding hills........

Sailing, Sailing.....

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Storm day! A tired storm by the time it passed over us but a little extra hobby time none the less . Martime troops on the move. Official sources deny that this exercise is related to the irresponsible rumours of an impending campaign in Furland. But how to spend my sudden free time? Poke bamboo splints under my finger nails then set them on fire? Or build a toy boat? I was leaning towards the burning bamboo but there was none available so boats it was. Well, boat. I did cut four bottoms from foamcore and some slices of cereal box and one day I'll finish the other three. Well I say finish.....its really more sort of slap a few bits together in haphazard fashion using white glue and masking tape and hope that a quick lick of paint will disguise the leaky, rickety, scows as landing barges.

The Odds are Evening.

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One more French Revolution unit done! Still with the easy pickings. Four Royal Artillery crew in campaign uniform to man an existing gun. The crew are more Prince August Prussians with some heads I made years ago.  The gun is a Sash and Sabre (ACW)  painted, well, before the blog anyway.

The Battle of Darcrum Moor (Continued)

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Not impressed by the Scots display, the English pressed forward to sweep the handful of Scots from the heights so they could press on to recapture the cattle and inflict a punishment that would be remembered for years. True to fashion, the Scots retreated as the English pressed forward so the Warden sent a troop of his Border Lances galloping forward. As they approached the crest they were surprised by a fierce volley as a forest of pikes suddenly poked up behind the crest and began advancing. The Lancers turned and fled to safer ground. ( Sorry, that was supposed to be "prudently pulled back to report as was their duty". ) "Battle ON!" Despite earlier losses, the English still outnumbered the Scots by 3:2 and their duty to punish the raiders was clear. The pass was too narrow to allow a full deployment so the Warden ordered the English foot to advance on the right while the Germans were to come forward on the left, leaving their shot to hold back the highlanders. T...

Cum'on Ye Bunch of Sissies

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The cattle are long gone and the Scots rearguard have given the English cavalry a bloody check....so..... ...why are they still hanging around taunting the English and their mercenaries to come on? Stay tuned!

Cross Border Shopping 16thC Style

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Looks like a good haul, I hope they remembered to report to Customs and fill in all the appropriate paperwork. Uhoh, I guess not. That looks like the Warden in hot pursuit. Could be a fight brewing.

Watch out! Hedgewars releases long-awaited v1.0.0

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Have you heard of Hedgewars ? What began as a simple attempt to clone Team 17's Worms Armageddon has evolved into one of the most polished and community driven libre game projects on the scene. After more than ten years of continuous development the project is finally celebrating the release of version 1.0.0. Boasting full campaign support, several online multiplayer modes, full customization, and mod support, Hedgewars is without a doubt an impressive endeavor that rivals its source of inspiration in many levels. So whether you are a Worms Armageddon fan or if you are just looking for some online turn-based fun, we definitely recommend a download . Code license: GPLv2 Art license: GFDLv1.2 and GPLv2 Comments about this article? Post them here .

Lieutenant, Assemble your gun crew!

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I managed to steal an hour of hobby time today. ( Bring on winter! ) May and Huzzah! are coming and I only have four of twelve pledged French Revolution units painted. I should have started on one of the additional twelve figure infantry units I need but four artillery crew sounded easier. Got a ways to go yet but the weekend looks promising.

Digging into some Not Quite History

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It seems that while I was distracted by Rosmark's latest war with Schoeffen-Buschhagen, there had been some serious political shifts closer to home. Shifting alliances were not unusual during the Not Quite Seven Years War and in this case it seemed to me that something must have triggered a falling out between the Duchy and the Alliance on one hand and a reconciliation between the Duchy and Rosmark on the other. It had been two years earlier that a combined Duchy and Maritime Army last stood together in battle against Rosmark and almost a year since the Dowager's White Coats were last seen at all while the Red coats of the Maritime  troops had continued to battle against Rosish forces. I decided to dig a little deeper. The  last Allied battle .  The coast of Rosmark is shallow with few natural harbours in which to shelter against the fierce storms that blow in from the north so it had never developed a strong maritime presence. The acquisition by marriage of what became ...

Here come the Rebs again!

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By Wednesday I had my head back in the right place, had cobbled the rules back together based on the decisions I had made last summer ( and apparently forgotten  despite rereading the blog posts! ), and had the table reset. Once again the dice started rolling. On the Yankee left a thin screen of cavalry was assaulted by two brigades of Rebels and quickly driven back with losses. The scenario was the same as the aborted game. The Union started with 8 regiments of infantry, 2 of cavalry and 4 batteries on table with another 4 regiments and 1 battery marching on. Their job was to prevent the Confederate forces from seizing the crossroad and town at the edge of the table. The game had a maximum length of 15 turns and lasted for 14 which took me about 3 hours of actual playing ( not counting innumerable interruptions ). The Confederates deployed 20 regiments of infantry supported by 2 of cavalry and 6 batteries. Both sides were organized into brigades of 4 infantry or 2 cavalry regiment...